how to organize your time as a teen

Okay, let's be real for a second. A day may have 24 hours, but they are not even close to enough. Try to manage your school, social and family-time life, plus some alone time in the amount you would like, a 168-hour day wouldn't be enough. So you put some stuff aside, which is not good. You can't do that to school, 'cause you are literally ruining your own future, without social life we would all go insane and same goes to alone time. So I cut from family time and that results in bad relationships and constant fights about me never hanging out with them. And so I start cutting from my social time and all of a sudden my friends are mad at me. Can't live like that, right? And I ain't cutting from my Netflix... oh wait sorry alone time. So I researched.... okay I googled ....fine I watched youtube videos while eating popcorn ( not the point) and I came up with an organization plan. Don't get me wrong but as a high school student, you need to be quite organized, especially if you want to reach your goals and ESPECIALLY if you picked a hard version, like me.

I'm sure you heard about a thing called time blocking. You basically block literal blocks of time on your calendar. 'Cause only God knows how terrible I am at describing any process, here's an Amy Landinos's video, who is like an amazing girl boss, just wow, okay. I f*** love her.

Ok, let's move on. On this point, I'm going to disagree with Amy. She says lists are useless, but I can't live without them. Yes, time blocking is awesome. But honestly, I can't do it without my to-do list.

Here's exactly what I do and how I do it.
On the beginning of a school year, I time-block the entire year (I use Google Calendar). I put in when I wake up, when is my bus, when my classes start and end, another bus, homework and study time when I will work out and do yoga, clean my room, eat, watch some Netflix or Youtube, shower, go to sleep ... everything.

At this point I have calculated everything; how much sleep will I get how much time do I have to do my homework all of it. So from this point on is really easy to see how much I can do in that amount of time. So based on that I write my to-do lists.
But let's be honest, I can't be doing schoolwork every day, you have to have at least a day off. I give myself two days off for two different things. On Sundays, I won't be doing any homework and on Saturday I won't be studying, but that's the day I do all the homework that day for which I hadn't had time during the week. But be careful so this day doesn't become the only day you do your homework.
Of course on the weekends give yourself some time to relax and not do everything so much by the clock. And please give yourself some social time.

We're supposed to start having fun in fifteen minutes. 

Ema :)            



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