Bucket list

I don't know about you but I love making a bucket list. It's just something super comforting about knowing you may do this thing someday. So I thought I would throw a few of the points on my list together and give you some ideas for yours.

  1. Be able to do elbow handstand
  2. Write a book
  3. Go to England
  4. Iceland
  5. New York
  6. Canada
  7. Turkey
  8. Spain
  9. Live alone
  10. Go to a concert
  11. Publish a book
  12. Own a cat
  13. Learn German
  14. Speak 8 languages
  15. Quit sugar for a month
  16. Learn Spanish
  17. Turkish
  18. Italian
  19. Try sushi
  20. Be a brides mate
  21. Learn sign language
  22. Own a car
  23. Have a drivers license
  24. Be able to do a split
  25. Learn morse code
  26. Pet an elephant

I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love.

Ema :)                        



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