Have regrets?

Do you have any regrets? Sure, you do. Maybe it's eating that extra doughnut yesterday, or getting that tattoo, kissing that guy, not spending enough time with a deceased family member, or not taking a chance just because you were afraid. But tell me, do you really wanna be Ross before season one, regretting never telling Rachel how he felt ( ok yes sure she knew, but not the point).
I understand you have those regrets, 'cause your life could be completely different if you took some left turn instead of rights. But look, if you hadn't done some things you wouldn't have any perspective. Let's say you got a thing going one with a guy. The left turn is regretting not doing anything about that little crush of yours, and the right is regretting doing something about it. Because you already took the right turn, you are now regretting not taking the left one. But hear me out YOU WOULDN' HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE OTHERWISE. So why regret it. I know sometimes we get over things harder, but still, you got to do it. You can't live your entire life regretting one thing. Nobody can live like that. So do yourself a favour and stop with regrets, because they are causing nothing more than pain.

  Kids, you can't cling to the past. Because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone. 

       Ema :)                 



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