
Showing posts from August, 2019

Bucket list

I don't know about you but I love making a bucket list. It's just something super comforting about knowing you may do this thing someday. So I thought I would throw a few of the points on my list together and give you some ideas for yours. Be able to do elbow handstand Write a book Go to England Iceland New York Canada Turkey Spain Live alone Go to a concert Publish a book Own a cat Learn German Speak 8 languages Quit sugar for a month Learn Spanish Turkish Italian Try sushi Be a brides mate Learn sign language Own a car Have a drivers license Be able to do a split Learn morse code Pet an elephant I'm hopeless and awkward and desperate for love. Ema :)                        

The best feeling in the world.

Oh, that big sweater, a lit candle, hot coffee, it's raining outside and you're watching some nostalgic movie or show. But no that's not the best feeling. Imagine this. It's late. You are with your friend group ... and you are laughing at something completely stupid. You can feel that happiness rising in you, making you smile ... and laugh, even harder. Everything is all right. It puls you out of the depths of that darkness onto the surface and finally after so long you can see you're going somewhere. It's maybe just for a second, a minute an hour, maybe you're done with that place, for now, it doesn't matter. It's all right for you. Nothing in this world can put you out of this place at that moment. You are flying and the best part is you're not high nor drunk. You are just in that right place. Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.  Ema :)                     

how to organize your time as a teen

Okay, let's be real for a second. A day may have 24 hours, but they are not even close to enough. Try to manage your school, social and family-time life, plus some alone time in the amount you would like, a 168-hour day wouldn't be enough. So you put some stuff aside, which is not good. You can't do that to school, 'cause you are literally ruining your own future, without social life we would all go insane and same goes to alone time. So I cut from family time and that results in bad relationships and constant fights about me never hanging out with them. And so I start cutting from my social time and all of a sudden my friends are mad at me. Can't live like that, right? And I ain't cutting from my Netflix... oh wait sorry alone time. So I researched.... okay I googled ....fine I watched youtube videos while eating popcorn ( not the point) and I came up with an organization plan. Don't get me wrong but as a high school student, you need to be quite organi

Best food pages to follow on Instagram

I love food, okay. I follow way too many food accounts on Insta, so not surprisingly an all I'm always hungry. I thought I'd share with you some of best. Tastemade Vegetarian.eats vegetariantimesmag soyummy dinner JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD. Ema :)                               

About vegeterianism

I always loved meat, but I always knew I'll switch to meatless diet at some point in my life. Introducing this idea to my fam, oh well that was a whole plan to consider.  I can't say my family is old fashioned, but for somethings, they just aren't very open-minded. I talked about going vegetarian as long as I can possibly remember, but I stopped to talk about it after I kept hearing,, Why would you do that?'' ,, That's just stupid.'' an off-course my grandmothers famous saynig that leaves you feeling worthless:,, Just leave it.'' I was thinking about it again at the beginning of this spring. I can vividly remember it was Wednesday when I started researching vegetarianism, how to go vegetarian, what to know about transition, basically everything. I knew if I ever wanted for my mom to even listen to me I had to know the facts, so I did some more school time at home, learning about vegetarianism as much as possible. It was Friday, the same wee

My typical to-do for summer

I don't give myself a lot of free time, even though you would think quite the opposite 'cause of the number of shows I watch. But the truth is too much of a routine, free time or basically too many opportunities to think just give me depression or anxiety vibes. Here I'm not saying I have depression or anxiety, I'm simply stating I get into a really bad mental state. Because of that, I have many hobbies, projects and different shows I watch at the same time. This results in quite a full agenda and a summer job. So this is my typical summer day to-do list with a few changes as I don't do everything for my book/blog on the same day. workout yoga meditate book (write, edit,...) blog ( write, edit, plan, research, post, Instagram, Pinterest, ...)                      work ( 7am -12pm + 8pm-10pm,...)        clean (5 min, 10 min, ....) The full planner doesn't mean a fulfilled life.  Ema :)             

Some quotes

I should be no surprise when I say that I have an entire notebook just for quotes. So here are few of them. All life is ab experiment. The more experiments you make the better. - Ralph Waldo Emerson The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate.  -Oprah Winfrey Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.  -George Bernard Shaw Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more; believing in yourself. -Harry Potter Each time you make a good decision or do something nice or take care of yourself; each time you show up to work and work hard and do your best at everything you can do, you're planting seeds for a life that you can only hope will grow beyond your wildest dream. Take care of the little things - even the little things that you hate- and treat them as promises to your own future. Soon you'll see that fortune favours the bold who get shit done.  -Sophia A

Nail care routine

I just love nails done well and I always do it by myself, 'cause it's just so much fun, you know. This is how I do it. First I remove all of the old nail polish. After that, I file my nails into the wanted shape and to shorten them a little. I remove the skin around the cuticles. Then I give my nails a little refreshing with a clean cotton pad dipped in nail polish remover. Now I start with nail polishes. First I put on two layers of clear basecoat polish. I put on two layers of nail polish I just feel like wearing for a week. After this is dry I put on another layer of topcoat to top it all of. I wait until it's dry and put on some hand cream to make my hands feel smooth. Even if you know how something's going to end, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride.  Ema :)         

Best shows to watch on netflix

As pretty much, everybody who knows me knows, I watch a lot of Netflix, so here's a list of best shows, in my opinion, to watch on Netflix. 1. Friends Do I even have to explain this? 2. How I met your mother.  I basically just watch this to listen to Barney's stories and because of slap bets. 3. Lucifer 'Cause you know who wouldn't watch super awesomely funny devil. 4. Arrow Oh well, I think this one is supposed to be action but it's just soooooooo funny. 5. The umbrella academy Five grown-up superheroes trying to prevent the apocalypse. 6. Teen wolf U know cute boys and werewolves plus other creatures, just awesome. 7. The 100 The post-apocalyptic world with awesome language and costumes, don't mind if I binge watch it. 8. The chilling adventures of Sabrina Oh well, like I'm not already obsessed with everything witchy. 9. Brooklyn99 Just awesome, okay? 10. Once Upon a Time C

Have regrets?

Do you have any regrets? Sure, you do. Maybe it's eating that extra doughnut yesterday, or getting that tattoo, kissing that guy, not spending enough time with a deceased family member, or not taking a chance just because you were afraid. But tell me, do you really wanna be Ross before season one, regretting never telling Rachel how he felt ( ok yes sure she knew, but not the point). I understand you have those regrets, 'cause your life could be completely different if you took some left turn instead of rights. But look, if you hadn't done some things you wouldn't have any perspective. Let's say you got a thing going one with a guy. The left turn is regretting not doing anything about that little crush of yours, and the right is regretting doing something about it. Because you already took the right turn, you are now regretting not taking the left one. But hear me out YOU WOULDN' HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE OTHERWISE. So why regret it. I know sometimes we get over th

Life goes by

Every second that passes, every breath we take, we take from our life. These are the moment we will never get back nor we will ever be able to replace it. Life goes by, yesterday you were four, today you are twenty and tomorrow you'll be fifty. Trying to enjoy life makes it even worse, times goes by quicker aka it's all going to be over sooner, but still making no effort what's so ever, lying in your bed all day and binge-watching Friends doesn't help either. So what to do? Some say just enjoy, some say have a plan, I say go f*** yourself. U should do both of it because let's face it going somewhere without a plan is a horrible idea and doing every single thing by a plan is no better. But none of that is helping when it comes to fear of mortality. It wasn't until I accepted the fact I'm not gonna be here forever nor will I always be the same and I embraced the change and started liking it, nor until I came to peace with death, that I was able to jus